Saturday, August 23, 2008

LIlith in SCORPIO from personal experience &""

Lilith Research

*I would like to write a book about LILITH: its a major theme in my own natal chart: :conjunct: my JUNO in Scorpio in H2 (House of POSSESSIONS)

I had to take info from other sites b/c there are very FEW resources on the topic, but I have been comparing charts of married couples & Lilith is a major player in EMOTIONAL commitment - lilith links are very powerful when it comes to INTENSE emotional attachments b/c the 2 people feel extremely comfortable SHARING the hidden depths of their psyche with one another.

"Lilith" aka the dark moon is associated with mars - Pluto- Scorpio (THEMES)

There are many myths about "her" from ancient Mesopotamia & Sumeria - In Hebrew, her name is translated as: "Night Woman" - she is the seductress. I think her representation of "evil" woman is unfair...she can unleash a "storm" like no man has ever seen but only when provoked - she simply wants to protect her man- who she gladly lets possess her mind-body-soul & her children - whom she created from her own loins. SELF control is her power, she is aware of her mistakes. She won't let anyone push her around, not even the man she loves.

In intimate / interpersonal relations, she demands EQUALITY above all else.

With Lilith in Scorpio there is exaggerated emphasis on pride, ambition and/or challenge. The inner need for challenge is so magnified, as to make it a prime necessity within the chosen work. This one cannot remain long where simply a working routine predominates. Instead he must find another outlet for the overstate investigative urges. This, in order to eventually help set in motion the kind of changes he determines are needed in the work atmosphere & to do away with whatever (or whoever) is obsolete. Selfishly applied it brings his own obsolescence down upon himself.

There is a deep hunger for control that is, for the most part, undetectable in early life. This remains so, until a creative outlet or area within the vocation is found that is challenging enough to qualify for the powerful releases of his reform & super-perfectionistic drives, in a socially acceptable manner.

There is a persistent draw to the unknown or supposed impossible. They are valuable people in research work; investigation; in any one of the medical or metaphysical arts; or business, where they may enjoy a delicious new set of challenges over & over within the career. Divine release from wells of submerged tension comes in the overcoming. Where there is emotional objectivity, Lilith in Scorpio gives a strong scientific bent which can be brilliantly released.

In Scorpio, Lilith causes the person to feel an insistent need to reach beyond himself, to uncover hidden areas of/or attached to the work, so that they may be overcome. The extremism of Lilith in the extremist sign of Scorpio may cruelly surface to the detriment of the individual, if the exaggerated personalization or overstated pride is misguided, as in the case of Richard Nixon.

These people are basically loners, contrary to outward appearances, with a near reverence for the use of strategy. They believe that growth can only come from attempting to reach beyond their stretch, so to speak & that the only failure comes from not trying. Change is what counts & opposing strength is respected.

In personal areas, they need to learn to recognize when the time arrives that the real victory is in the letting go, or suffer the emotional purging they bring down upon themselves that acts as a disciplining factor, that will, hopefully, leave them the wiser. The cookies in the jar to be let go of are the desire of power on the mundane level. They too fully understand power over others & the goal once set in motion is seldom turned away from, unless this person can detach enough to gain perspective.

Persons with Lilith in Scorpio appear extremely controlled as a way of compensating socially, to deny the powerful tensions that drive them from within. They are not above deliberately putting on excessive weight in some cases, to protect their vulnerability to emotional enslavement to another sensed in anticipated romantic relationships. There are strong (though not necessarily voiced) opinions one way or the other on any subject that interests them. However, for the most part it is conformistly held in check to avoid unnecessary exposure of the self, but he may abruptly disappear when others tread too closely on HIS truth ~ as those close to him can testify.

An early sexual awareness is intensely felt, but is kept to the self, lest a surfacing of something they haven't yet learned to handle is misunderstood or troublesome beyond their mein. One student made reference to this as, :making sure you can handle the dragon before unleashing it".

In the comparisons children automatically make to one another, the difference is sensed, which in turn is inwardly subject to denial (bottled up). It manifests in later years as a disarming magnetism that is difficult to ignore when keen interest is directed from them to another.

When desire is aroused, for whatever reason, the concentration of feeling becomes an intensely persuasive social over-charm exuded over the object of interest. Under ordinary circumstances it is not visible. Quite the contrary, it is seen on those rare occasions when the person anticipates something challenging & then it is quite automatic. The Lilithian energy, released through the powerful desire nature of Scorpio, has a quality of fascination that draws, not unlike Neptune, bit is far stronger. It is very unique to watch & is manipulative toward the desired effect (probably unconscious). Magnetism seems to exude from every pore at that time. When the desire of 'impressing' interest is over, the noticeable persuasive quality & particularly the brilliance in the eyes, dims. There is this hypnotic brightening of themselves that is the giveaway of one with Lilith in Scorpio.

In Scorpio, Lilith magnifies whatever the degree of emotional instability that lies in the makeup, which has a great resource from deep wells of tension.

When aspected with Pluto, denial of sexual expression is not uncommon. Celibacy may be preferred, forced or accepted by choice, as an answer to an unpleasant or unhealthy situation. The energy may eventually break out into strong metaphysical interest to develop the stretch into the unknown this one desires.

When desire is motivated by intellectual, creative or social-esthetic considerations, detachment (as the impersonal) overcomes the personal, underscoring a dedicated one-pointed perseverance that will not back away from any challenge to achievement in the chosen field.

Power of one kind or another is the signature of one with Lilith in Scorpio.

Annie Besant
Walt Disney ****
Uri Geller
Samuel Goldwyn
Patricia Hearst
Peter Hurkos
John Lennon**
Marilyn Monroe***
Richard Nixon
Pancho Villa

ASTROTHEME _ famous people with "lilith" in H2

JUNO is an asteroid more connected to Libra-scorpio themes - some say JUNO links in synastry is not really about commitment or marriage, but, SEX without commitment- many live in lovers who do not marry or those we have extra-marital affairs with have strong JUNO links to us & vice ~ versa....I would say CHIRON (the wounded healer, associated with TAURUS) is more indicative of a strong bond that can either HEAL or HURT us.

NOTE: Romantic links are very strong where VENUS, the planet of romance & attraction are involved- JUPITER adds fun & forgiveness, URANUS adds electricity & excitement while NEPTUNE & SATURN links are soul mate connections are more "platonic" yet powerful ~ life long relationships... hard life lessons that can be PAINFUL....





Friday, August 22, 2008

The planet Neptune.

Here is a link to my blog I wrote earlier this year about NEPTUNE

All the information, I provide comes from numerous books, websites, & personal RESEARCH - in my teen years while everybody was out clubbing & partying, I stayed home most of the time, reading about astrology. Im naturally curious about people. I observed close friend's relationships & asked questions most people might find taboo- this was, in my opinion anyway, the only way to discover the TRUTH - somebody had to do it.

Anyways, Im only the messenger. There are many mysteries of life that may never be solved. I chose to take on astrology on full force - I have been writing blogs here almost a year before starting Neptune's Wings.

The concept of SOUL MATES + STAR CROSSED LOVERS has become my passion. What makes us fall in love? Why do we suddenly "fall -out"? Why do we keep attracting a certain type of person- does our childhood really have a bearing on our present & FUTURE or is it something
much more elusive?

There is a plethora of on-line dating sites to help lonely, lost, singles find love- they only advertise the ones who CONNECTED but how many of them failed + led to heartbreak - I had tried that "scene" where they charge members by month to search potential "partners" - in some ways, its no better than an INTERNET brothel...I will post personal horror stories another time.

Its only human to want to "connect". I believe, I have the tools to help people find true love thats more soul satisfying than SEXUAL. Through trial & error, I have learned how to LISTEN to my gut instincts. Now, I have the ability to help others find the ONE...

Bringing compatible people together is more of my GOAL - so many have asked me to predict their future - honestly, this is not something anyone can do accurately b/c of FREEWILL - nobody can predict what choice you will make, even one change of heart can flip your future upside down. Although, I do have shots of intuition, the come infrequently & they are often irrational at the time.

Im still searching for answers myself. I welcome anyone who wants to jump on this journey with me & share your personal stories.
NEPTUNE'S WINGS will be a safe place for those who feel misunderstood.

Cheers. C*

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

*CHART SERVICES* I demonstrate astrology is MORE than your SUN-sign.

ANY & ALL information given to me in TRUST & confidentiality is SAFE _ I have a safe place where I keep client's personal information. No worries.

Keep in mind, we are composed of every sign /element - some energies or modalities are STRONGER than others - the way we USE those energies is why a chart wheel is necessary for complete & accurate personality assessment - most of us only read our "sun -sign" horoscopes - thats only a TINY part into your identity- you must UNDERSTAND where you come from BEFORE you can possibly know where you're going ~ Crystal.

Im also going to be working with an "event planner" to make appearances to private parties & events;-)

Late "silver screen" goddess & HOLLYWOOD icon Marilyn Monroe.01 June 1926 - 05 Aug 1962.

Miss Monroe epitomized *Neptune* in her GLAMOUR, ELUSIVENESS, & ADDICTION - tragically cutting her life short. R.I.P.

Her NEPTUNE (The ruler of Pisces) in LEO H1 almost conjunct her ascendant in LEO. Her North Node in the H12 (House ruled by Pisces), Uranus & MARS conj. in Pisces + A grand WATER *trine* all demonstrate the untouchable beauty &her self destructive tendencies where MORE than mere ILLUSION, they were very much tied in with her KARMA & part of her psyche.

Even as a child, people would come to me for a sympathetic ear. As I grew more confident, I began to observe the relationships of people around me & began to give advice to others & they would listen. In time I knew I was blessed with a gift- I naturally empathize with others, even complete strangers.

Sometimes I got burned but it never stopped me from caring, Im just more cautious who gets too close. Experience makes us WISER souls.

There are 3 charts, I specialize in:

(1) Natal Chart - I would use the day/month/year/time/place of your BIRTH - it *must* be EXACT. I find the best way to obtain this information is from your BIRTH ~CERTIFICATE or your mother - they never forget details of the day her baby was born!

(2) Synastry Chart: Check out my blog titled: Neptune & Soul-mate synastry

To "recap" - synastry is a way of comparing 2 people's charts & CROSS ~ aspecting ~*Personal planets
Sun, moon, venus, mars, mercury

~>Outer planets
Ascendant (rising sign), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

~Ceres, Juno, Chiron, Lilith, etc...

3) Composite (midpoint method) Chart - Another relationship analysis using 2 people's birth info to determine the "energy" of their attraction.

Note: RELATIONSHIP charts dont have to be sexual or romantic or between man & woman only. I do charts betweens friends, family, same sex, even pets ~ if you consider them part of your :soul: family.

Astrology to me is fascinating & fun. I have found TRUTH to it in my life experiences & used it to HELP people. I never advise people to ONLY look to the *STARS* Astrology is simply a ROAD MAP to life.

Im aware many people think astrology is fake, like I have said many times, I RESPECT contrary opinions, however, I will not defend my postition - if I receive any messages that appear cruel & unusual I will IGNORE them.

Many people has said they are afraid of asking for a reading b/c they dont want to know about their future or anything bad - Im not the bearer of bad news - I highlight the truth- perhaps its the facts of life that some of us find difficult to handle. Thats alright, Im not judging anyone- we are all different.

So far, nobody has come out to tell me what Im doing is wrong, so far the messages are very kind & positive, so thank you all who care enough for sending me words of ENCOURAGEMENT.


Crystal xoxo
"I knew I belonged to the public and to the world, not because I was talented or even beautiful, but because I had never belonged to anything or anyone else."

"There was my name up in lights. I said, 'God, somebody's made a mistake.' But there it was, in lights. And I sat there and said, 'Remember, you're not a star.' Yet there it was up in lights."

~Norma Jeane Mortenson~

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Neptunes Wing's (Crystal's brief history)

"Intuition isn't the enemy, but the ally, of reason."


I know, you're anticipating my NEW "website" ~ its my FIRST site. Astrology has been a passion. Even before I could read, I have been a fan of astrology. I have learned to IGNORE the skeptics out there & also RESPECT their difference in opinion.

I started this endeavor with much emotion, compassion, consideration, & PASSION...

Im not a naive ignorant person. If you read my other BLOG: Poignant Parables
You will learn more about me, my background, & life's philosophy. Don't let the big breast & blond highlights fool you!

I come from a mixed background or Chinese (50%- Mother) & European + American Indian (Fathers side). Both of my Mother's parents were born in Harbin, China- they met in Medical school- both of them were prestigious doctors. They had 7 children 2 boys & 5 girls - an uncle of mine died as a baby - my mother LULU was the youngest.
They came to America in the 1960's so their children would have a better life.
Today, all except one, my oldest aunt, live throughout America from New York, New Jersey, Virgina, to Texas!

Im proud of my Chinese - side even though, ironically, I look MORE Chinese in pictures than in person;-) My aunts, uncles, & cousins have careers ranging from medicine, computers, and scientific research - Im the only one who took on a "psedo" science - although to me, its a VALID science.

I had been taking :inventory" for many years- guessing signs of many friends, coworkers, even random people from the time I was a teenager - Im 27 (born 12 March 1981).

Unfortunately, i never wrote down or recorded my findings officially- the only witnesses are poeple who know me well, but I believe I have actually SCARED potential friends away with this ability to tell people not only what sign they are, but WHEN they are born - it seems I get better & better as time goes on- I can assure you all, its NOT a guessing game! I just KNOW & there really is NO logical explanation I can provide, its more INTUITION based....

I CAN promise to provide quality service to the BEST of my ability - Im still learning more & more about astrology everyday- as life is a perpetual-non-stop-LEARNING PROCESS. In fact, Im taking ASTRONOMY + LAB on Saturdays my last semester of University... I welcome anyone who wants to collaborate + share their astrological knowledge too;-)

I will post more blogs soon & hope to hear feedback- so far much has been POSITIVE + I have managed to earn some loyal clients. This is a matter of trust. So Im willing to PROVE that Im worth it. - GENUINE "kindness" is the most endearing & lasting quality in our character so CHERISH it!

Hope to hear from you soon - all the best.

Courteous Reader, Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the Wise and the Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight in Battle, in short, no important affair was undertaken without first consulting an Astrologer.
- Benjamin Franklin

Crystal xoxo