Friday, September 13, 2013

ASTROLOGY OF WRITERS: Is it Written in YOUR stars?

*SIGNS* What Type of writer will you be?

1.Pisces:: Poet, Songwriter, Romance Novelist - especially with a strong Neptune enhances imagination & romantic nature/ add Pluto Influence = increases passion, eroticism, and depth to writing abilities. Spiritual/Sometimes religious zealots - could attempt to re-write biblical scriptures based on intuition, FEELINGS, thoughts from an unknown source.
Saturn will add more focus/drive to see projects through - strong SATURN aspects benefit mutable Pisces. Positive or negative neptune influence could make for a beautiful mind or a deluded thought process. The 2-fish tied at the tail swimming in opposite directions represents taking the HIGH or LOW road in life. Nobody can identify with a CEO and a garbage man more than a Pisces personality.

2. Gemini:: (Walt Whitman, Jean-Paul Sartre) Duality. Gossip magazine or Journalist. Nothing but the facts ma'am. A strong Neptune adds imagination & creativity. Neptune influence could add sensitivity/compassion to their non-emotional character. Jack of all trades master of none. All about facts. Analytical. Social. Not afraid of judgement. Confident with intellect. Comfortable expressing to crowds. Master at puzzles, maps, word games. Most like to have a "nom de plume" (pen name).

3. Aquarius:: Scientific researchers & bloggers/Sci-Fi fan fiction writers. Detailed facts. Independent thinker. Focused on details - the nitty gritty lightning speed - skeptical - needs more proof. Awesome public speaking ability - especially aspecting mercury, 5th house, 9th house, 10th house. Very comfortable in "air houses" - 3rd, 7th, 11th. More personable in 7th house:: relationship oriented thoughts.

4. Leo:: Incredible acting abilities. Proud to show-off what he/she knows. Solid ego - even if a bit self-centered. Confident with abilities to perform and entertain the masses. Thrives at being the CENTER stage. Attention seekers. Risk takers. Fixed & Focused.

5. Sagittarius - Travel writer/Philosopher Like Pisces (Thanks to co-ruler Jupiter). Can create their own religion or edit existing ones. Love of travel and foreign places. Exotic philosophies. Thinking outside the typical. Bored with mundane, routine. Adventurers.

6. Aries- Sports writer. All about action. Not overly sensitive or emotional unless strong Pisces inter-aspects within personality. Especially Venus/Mercury in Pisces (Maya Angelou has them conjunct). Any strong Pisces aspect makes one more a poet & a lover rather than a fighter - even head strong aries is tamed under Neptune's spell.

7. Libra - Relationship expert/blogger. Law. Legal contracts. Not typically as creative as the signs above. If there is a strong Neptune/Pisces influence. Along with a tinge of Plutonic passion - Libra sun can be a romance novelist- weaving exotic, romantic tales of love, lust, and betrayal. Commitment and sex are one in the same to these logical lovers - especially when in 8th house.

8. Cancer/Taurus - Cookbook writers. Home decor. Real estate. Very domesticated. Nurturing. Cuddly. Warm. Family centered. Enjoy feeding others. Cooking is second nature.

9. Scorpio - (Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind).

 The occult/Astrology. Attracted to anything deep, dark, mysterious, and sexy. Spy. Espionage. Could also write murder-mystery novel based on personal experience or a rich imagination.

(Pluto - the planet of mystery Aspects my moon & mercury creating a GRAND AIR TRINE in my birth chart)

10. Virgo - (Fiona Apple, singer/songstress).

The critical side of Mercury. Virgos care much more than Geminis. Virgos seek perfection along side acceptance. They want to be understood and get hurt when their words are misread by the masses they want to reach. They put their creativity to good use, however, they can be dry and even unemotional about deeply emotional issues. Virgos are very matter of fact. 

11. Capricorn (JRR TOLKIEN, STEPHANIE MEYER, NICHOLAS SPARKS ) - least likely to seek writing as a main source of income unless fame, fortune, status are indicated. Caps are represented by the mountain goat - always climbing to the top of any profession they choose. An interesting element is the fish tail attached to the goat - this is to infer that Cappies have a very well hidden sensitivity they protect with a rough exterior. They are extremely sensitive with their PUBLIC image, perhaps not even their mother knows this but I have been close enough to Capricorns to see their sweet, softer side. They make very loyal partners especially if business and pleasure are mixed- professionally of course.

Astrological *PLANETS & Celestial bodies* 

1. Mercury: Communication 
2. Neptune: Imagination
3. Moon: Emotions (Subconscious). Nurturing. Mother.
4.Pluto: Intensity. Passion. Taboos.
5. Sun: Ego. Inner light. Father figure
6. Venus: What you love. Romantic feelings. Partner.
7. Mars: How you attract what you desire. Action.
8. Saturn: Stability. Karmic path. Work. Structure. Reality.
9.Jupiter: Philosophy. Luck. Optimistic.
10. Uranus: Unpredictable. Quick. Genius. Reversal of Fortune.


5th - This house RULES creativity, vitality, romance, children, & to a degree fame or an individuals desire to be recignized for their (creative/dramatic) talents.

3rd - communication, self-expression, siblings, short distance travels.

12th - Subconscious & Spiritual nature.

9th/10th - Both are typically at the pinnacle (TOP) of our birthchart. 9th House is all about long distance travel and philosophy with 10th dictates your Fortune & Fame.

6th - Mundane - everyday work - I have 3 planets in Pisces here. In combination with other "writer" aspects - I get inspired by simple, everyday actions such as washing dishes or taking a bath. Routine can be an inspration when this house is strong - again, always look at the BIG picture rather than one or two aspects.

7th - House of (legal) partnerships. Marriage. If mercury'Gemini' or Aquarius is strongly placed here - you may marry a writer or they may play a major role in your life as long term partners.



Pisces SUN/VENUS/MARS - Conjunct 6th House

SUN/VENUS/MARS *Squaring* Neptune & Moon.

NEPTUNE/MOON Opposition (Sagittarius-Gemini axis)

AIR SIGN GRAND TRINE-KITE :: Moon-pluto-mercury
 ALL ASPECTING :: Neptune 

Houses Activated:: 1st (Pluto), 3rd (Neptune), 5th (mercury), & 9th (moon).

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