Thursday, January 8, 2009

Astrology is NOT an evil pseudo_science: for all the SKEPTICS out there: please read...PART I

Ok, this is me, Crystal Hayward talking from 'experience' on the topic of astrology. Even before i could read I was able to fathom its wonders- astrology itself is NOT a religion or brain washing cult or "New Age'- In fact, astrology can be traced back since *BEFORE Christianity*

As I have mentioned in a PAST BLOG: The 3 wise men were considered "Magi" astrologers who predicted the birth of Jesus when Jupiter/Saturn conjunct (that is line up) in the sign of PISCES & the outer planets for a star of David configuration- look into it people, its interesting stuff:)


Astrology can be "used" as a tool much like the bible. If god in fact created life & this universe- why wouldn't he leave a bit of it for us mere mortals to understand the universe better in all its awe & glory:)

Astrology is not science either. its based on 4 tangible elements: air, water, earth, fire. certain elements "mix" better than others, however with a little effort- anything is possible.

I mean, did you ever wonder why there are some people you are drawn to immediately & others you could not even stand the sight of before even talking?

Astrology also answers the "spiritual" questions about past life (regression). That is if yo believe in that concept. Ive never FORCED my beliefs on others. In fact, if somebody comes at me with negative or ignorant comments before listening to the facts then I simply DO NOT waste my time explaining. I've realized people will understand something when they are READY... if they care to know the truth they will search for it on their own.

Here is a link to an article written by Bob Marks to: Skeptics ~ he's a well known astrologer world-wide

To be fair~
Heres what Skeptics dictionary has to say about "astrology"

One thing I must add, if there is absolutely no VALIDITY in astrology then everybody who has been studying this "divination" since BEFORE Christ had vivid imaginations...

In reality- astrology does work (just read my other blogs for real life examples)

My next blog.

I will DISPUTE skeptics claims step - by- step. As best I can.
So, how does "astrology" work empirically?

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