Planets are constantly in motion around the *SUN*.
The same goes for our NATAL aka BIRTH-CHARTS.
Saturn (Chronos) is father time. "He" is about upheavals, challenges, growing up, lessons, maturity, & KARMA.
Our First Saturn "Return" starts roughly when we turn 28 years old - "He" stays in our Saturn Sign for 2 years. That is how long his travel through the 30-degrees take. Saturn is a rather large, far-away, & slow moving planet.
This is a time to plant seeds. Be patient. Expect some MAJOR life changes to occur.
I conceived at 28. Gave birth at 29 and lost my dad suddenly to lung cancer at 30. TWO major life changes: a death & a birth occurred during this time....My mom lost her dad at 29. And numerous case studies to SHARE in the near future. coincidence? I think not.
Can you remember where YOU were during your RETURN? Significant career or location changes, births, deaths, etc...Please feel free to share below :) Thank you for reading. Crystal.
A beautiful blog written by a woman's experience with her Saturn
SATURN RETURN: You are never too late.