Thursday, May 14, 2009

Moon oppose Neptune SQUARE Venus: Addicted to love OR loving an addict:

"We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are."

*Anais Nin*

Reflection; did you ever sit on a beach on a starry night and see the moon's reflection in the water?

The moon does NOT actually emit light - it's reflected from the sun - light on the other side of the world- the FULL MOON is the most awe inspiring of all the phases!!

Now, if you dont believe that "celestial bodies" have an effect on people's personalities - think again: if the moon can control the tides & the earth's orbit, does it just IGNORE us tiny humans? Water makes up 90% of our bodies- theres even water in our brains which help the synapses pass "electrical" impulses to different cells!!

I wont go into MYTHOLOGY although, its tied in with ancient astrology.

In astrology, the moon is also a reflection of our basic, primal needs in relation to our MOTHER- essentially, the Moon tells us how we view her + her "nurturing style"

Any planet close (in aspect) with your moon will have an influence on your emotions, especially the subconscious. In fact, the moons influence is so subtle, we may not even realize we are "living" with her wisdom & guidance each & everyday.

Your sun (father) to moon (mother) contact in aspect with a potential partner will determine the EMOTIONAL intensity of your relationship (aspects are explained below).

NOTE: The Moon person will be magnetically drawn to the Sun person- its ideal the sun person be the male or more dominate character + the moon be the female, more submissive- either way, Sun will have more control UNLESS its a *double* aspect-

•Person A moon conjuncts B sun.

Person B moon trine person A sun.

In my studies, I also saw a link between Moons + ASC (rising sign)

Our Rising sign, is the MASK we show the world. Its our superficial/social self- obviously a Taurus rising will be more earthy + homebound than an Airy Libra rising.

Outwardly they seem very different. However if the taurus has an Aries moon opposing the Libra Rising + the libra has a capricorn moon Trining the Taurus rising- the match would make more sense-

Keep in mind even with loads of Conjunctions, trines + sextiles- there still must be oppositions + squares to create some tension- sexual intensity.

Of course, its ideal for friends + family to have more SMOOTH interactions, I'm focusing more on OPPOSITE SEX + intimate encounters.

Forget free will for a moment, I understand the concept. Surprising, I believe we all make our own decision but there are certain "things" in life BEYOND our control....


If we could conquer them the Casanova would be erased from the history books as well as Romeo + Juliet (star-crossed lovers).

So what does this have to do with ASTROLOGY;


"The Moon"~ she represents our Mother + our maternal instincts to NURTURE. Look a little deeper, she also rules the subconscious - our internal needs (not wants or desires; that's where venus + mars come in)

* The MOON plays a co-starring role to the SUN - however, the Moon is vital -

W/O the MOON there would be no tides. Even the EARTH would lose her current orbit around the SUN.

I do not idolize planets. However, I acknowledge their existance as living entities & the powerful, unique was they affect our personalities.

The MOON is especially attractive since we are made "mostly" of water, naturally the moons phases: waning, waxing etc...have an impact on our physical selves - why not our emotions?

The sign that Represents the Moon is "CANCER"

Cancer is the 4th sign in the zodiac. Its modality is Cardinal. Its element is Water.

Key phrase: "I Feel."

The MOON's influence on each of us depends on the sign + house position as well as her Aspect:The most common aspects to look for are~

Conjunction«0-8 degrees (intense + Karmic)

Trine« 120 degrees (desirable + most helpful)

Sextile« 60 degrees (helpful+ natural connection)

Square« 90 degrees (hard lessons)

Opposition« 180 degrees (stressful/attraction factor, also Karmic)

You are sure to have a handful of aspects with any given person, however once you learn how to read/interpret charts, you will begin to see patterns + commonalities b/t your closest friends + lovers.

Any + all major aspects between our MOON + our partners Sun, moon, pluto, venus, Ascendant/Descendant are Powerful indicators of emotional attraction/ commitment.

Venus/Mars are sexual indicators- don't confuse them with emotional NEEDS.

Key words, Facts & Phrases for MOON: Natal + Synastry

*Most of us have an ASPECTED MOON - an "unaspected moon" is rare: Unaspected Moon- People with an unaspected Moon, men in particular have feminine qualities and relate well with women. Usually it is diffiuclt to control the abundant energy of Moon but these people can be managed well and they develop a kind nature. Louis Pasteur had an unaspected Moon in his birth chart.

A moon that stands ALONE would be considered a "singleton". My moon is the only planet in my chart on the NORTHERN Hemisphere, it doesnt quite conjunct the MC (midhaven/10th house). Still, my moon is high up there!!

Its ironic in the article's example - moon is in 9th house (like mine). I was sent to a boarding school that used to be a nunery. At 15, i was trying to fit in with the "cool kids" & brought a couple beers to our school's music recital. of course in typical, Gemini style, one of my best friends, Cathy got in trouble along with me:)

No, you wont be single forever. In fact this would give your moon IMPORTANCE.

One thing is certain with a PROMINENT MOON: you will either want to nurture or be nurtured. Childbearing will be a significant issue throughout your life, especially if you are female. A child doesnt necessarily have to be a human being, it could also be a career - you "baby" from the ground up. You will most likely be a creative type, possibly starting a business right out of your own HOME.

Be aware that the moon represents the INNER CHILD where as Saturn/Capricorn represents the father. Those with a STRONG saturn influence, although opposite energy, may be the ideal balance for you since the moon values security. protection, loyalty & Saturn, is just the "paternal" figure to provide all that & MORE.

Check the SIGN & HOUSE of our moon are essential. The moon may also play a prominent & more ACTIVE role in your psyche.

Pay attention to other planets/houses that interact with your moon - since the moon REFLECTS, anything she touches will be enhanced!!

In FIRST HOUSE (cancer rising/ASC,) Needs a partner who represents social self, moody: moods affected greatly by moon phases, wears heart on sleeve, emotionally selfish, instant gratification - emotional needs are powerful. Will "dance" around emotions like a crab, doesn't like confrontation - he/she will even go as far as hiding out in their shell (aka home, sanctuary) until the dust settles.
  • Physically: appear like a Cancer round face, soft bodied, water retention, possible stomach maladies & allergies - must avoid alcohol. Hypo thyroid.
  • mentally: Shrewd, pinches pennies, security minded although may worry so much he/she may not live to old age.
In Fourth HOUSE - Moon is at HOME: comfortable, expresses, sympathetic, shows caring by FEEDING people, intense love of family (especially mother & children), very affectionate - lots of hugs & kisses> negatively: cancer-crazies ie. extreme neurotic insecurities & smothering- over feeding children or spouse, unhealthy weight gain, prone to emotional meltdowns, guilt about not being a good enough parent or disappointing (to mother)

In 7th HOUSE: emotional security relies on a "life partner". Its a double-edged sword. These are LATE- bloomers, painfully shy, clinging to home, especially mummy - once he/she falls in love, they hold on TIGHTLY when the initial relationship ends, they don't move on right away - they still harbor feelings for their "lost" love. NOBODY will ever know.

((My ex had Aries moon in H7 oppose my ASC Libra 2 degree orb)) Our relationship was Long distance for 2 years. NOTE: Both of us had Moon SQUARE VENUS.

The reasons for separation from such a sensitive & devoted lover who bends over backwards to love & be loved? First, they attract a moody lover. They have a roller coaster relationship from square one - constantly on & off. And a fuzzy, unrealistic view of the object of their affection. The moon reflects a "soft" light of idealization on their other-half, however, this puts much pressure on the other person to PROVIDE emotional fulfillment to the moon person, they are always under a SPOT LIGHT...even a MICRO-scope at their most insecure.

What lover can live up to that? These people must learn to entertain & truly like themselves or they will forever CLING to the past & never fully appreciate the love awaiting or even the ONE, they so desperately long for - right in front of them!!

  • MOON/NEPTUNE ~ (Conjunction)Those who IDOLIZE mother & put her on a pedestal: saint-like (ie. mother Mary). Mother can do no wrong, she is perfect in their eyes. Will even go as far as victimizing father figure believing no man was ever good enough for his "perfect mommy" - this is a life long affliction & her death will essentially be the LOSS of his life.
  1. MEN with this aspect will compare every woman who enters his life to his mother. I dated a man w. Moon & Neptune in Scorpio) Rather brooding, secretive, & emotionally intense for an Aries...His beloved mother suffered before death, she fought lymphoma for many years before succumbing - he said he's been "numb" ever since.
  2. He talked about heri n nearly every conversation & spoke often how he had been "messed up" since she died. Even recalling a story when he walked miles from his grandparents house to go back to her since his fathers family didnt approve of their marriage. Even at a young age, he empathized with her.
  3. he didnt only idolize his own mother, he claimed to have been adopted by Jesus mother Mary.
  • It also seems where Scorpio/pluto are involved - DEATH plays a major theme in the natives life. Dont underestimate Scorpionic powers: they are masters at reinventing themselves - with destruction comes REBIRTH/renewal.
  • Given enough time. depending on other factors. This person will heal & come out stronger. they must also recognize that they need time alone to meditate in order to acknowledge & accept such a great disappointment.
  • I believe the "opposite-sex" parent greatly affects how we OPERATE in intimate relationships as adults, astrology only proves this from my observation.

Neptune creates the "illusion". Its purely subconscious, but very REAL to him. I dont believe anyone with this aspects ever dreams their unconditional love could be snatched away, its a shock & if they ever "recover" part of their innocence/childhood will never return.

if they are not aware of the negative emotional/subconscious energy they project, especially in intimate relationships, they run the risk of pushing too many people away thus ending up alone in a nursing home in their SENIOR years.

Bitterness & resentments are the death of LOVE.

  • (OPPOSITION) Moon-Neptune works different 180 degrees apart. In this case, Mother & child were separated - child may not have had contact with his/her mother b/c of death or mother was unfit (emotionally)
  • I know FIRST hand about this (gemini moon, 9th house oppose Sagittarius neptune, 3rd house)
  • Magical, elusive, silver screen goddess Marilyn Monroe had this aspect too (Moon in Aquarius, H7 oppose Neptune in leo, rising - H1)
  • Both of us were put in foster homes at a young age.
  • Both of us have a younger brother who we were NOT separated from - SIBLINGS are represented by (mercury/gemini). Marilyn had sun/mercury in gemini. My moon trines mercury ( in aquarius).

*Marilyn Monroe's chart (ABOVE) shows a GRAND WATER TRINE pointing South toward "Saturn" 9astrologically rep. Capricorn, opposite of Cancer, the moon). Saturn aspects are also extremely KARMIC in that "father time" aka CHRONOS teaches us about hard work & perseverance toward our life path - goals. However, Saturn is not about abundance (Jupiter). many times where Saturn is concerned, one feels deprived & restricted from achieving success.
Marilyn never felt worthy - although she acquired the Fame which Saturn promises (not without SACRIFICE). With a Prominent NEPTUNE conjunction her ASC in leo - she was destined for the BIG BRIGHT LIGHTS of HOLLYWOOD.

Marilyn was also a gentle dreamer, not quite prepared for all the spoils of fame. In fact, she may have literally drowned herself with alcohol & drugs so she could COPE better (in her mind)

Her T-SQUARE (Moon opp neptune SQ Saturn) intercepting the GRAND WATER TRINE indicates that her lacking of a stable father figure was part of her motivation & drive whether she acknowledged that fact or not - moon & saturn aspects represent a strict emotional upbringing (perhaps her foster parents told her she will never be a star).

It would appear that her entire life, cut short by drug abuse, could have been SAVED if she found the right man who truly loved her for Norma Jean NOT the illusion of Marilyn.

Miss Monroe is yet another Tragic, yet worthy example of what too much raw BEAUTY & TALENT can produce when the SPIRIT is misguided - Be careful what you wish for. RIP Norma Jean xoxox*~

Moon & Venus BOTH represent "female" archetypes:
together, they are an unstoppable powerhouse of physical/emotional attraction, affection, and love!! anyone with this aspect will want to be in love desperately (especially when NEPTUNE is in the mix). There could be a REAL or imaginary issue with the object of one's affection falling prey to ADDICTS, LIARS, CHEATERS etc....or the person him/herself will be an addict.

My mother Lulu (Aries/Pisces), has the CONJUNCTION in Aquarius. No doubt she's an erratic & stubborn lover - she is also very loyal & devoted to my father (cancer sun, venus in Leo). When venus/moon are in harmony - what we NEED & what we WANT are simpatico - you can be sure that whoever they marry will be in it for the LONG haul, thats the beauty of this combo.

Their only downfall is if they meet a "toxic" - abusive lover. They are easily hoodwinked & manipulated but no matter what trials & tribulations their other half throws at them - they will stay true to their HEARTS.

When Moon/Venus SQUARE/OPPOSE one another: there is a battle within b/t their primal (needs, moon) and (wants, venus). the Square in particular will cause troubles b/t a potential life partner & family - the family usually will not approve - the person they choose is not good enough, they just dont FIT IN with their culture, as was my case, we were from different countries)

His father, mother, & sister ALL have a Pisces moon (well aspected to my sun) My moon trined his Aquarius sun. His ARIES moon opposed my LIBRA ASC His mars in Scorpio trined my Pisces venus. My Pisces venus & his Capricorn venus are in the same degree (this is why exact Birth time is important). We also had a GRAND WATER TRINE in our synastry chart which denotes a POWERFUL emotional bond that kept us together longer than nature intended - nobody understood why 2 young, attractive 20-somethings flew 3000 miles just for moments in time - we never fully comprehended it - after months of analyzing our individual, composite, & synastry charts - it all made perfect sense:))

HERES a Hypothetical conversation between Easy-going Venus/Moon (trine or sextile) to difficult venus/moon (opposition or square).

TRINE: Why are ALL your relationships so complicated?! Don't you ever get tired of the DRAMA??

SQUARE: Why are yours so F*n simple. (walks away, yawning)

As an eternal OPTIMIST, I can assure you that Venus/Sqaure moon people will find a lasting love, it will have to be a REAL, adult love not the flimsy kind of puppy love we had in High School - both partners will have to be mature & 100% PREPARED b/c there will be HELL to pay - coming directly from family - perhaps once they see your love flourish then, ONLY then will they begin to accept that you found a match made in heaven:))

PRINCESS DIANA OF WALES Natal Chart exemplifies a T-square (RED TRIANGLE on right-hand side of chart)Moon oppose Uranus/North Node - SQUARE Venus.Explaining part of the reason her arranged marriage to the Prince of Wales fell apart - it was never meant to be in the FIRST place!!

DIANA was the type of woman who NEEDED excitement, however sun trine Neptune created her life into a LIVING fairy-tale. she was not easily satisfied romantically partly because she was confused by her inner struggle between TRUE love & security. her emotions were often erratic/uncontrollable & unpredictable like an ocean - she could be calm one moment then erupt into waves of sadness/anger/frustration. she was also extremely self-reliant & resented any restrictions on her freedom such as the media & royal secret service. she was often disillusioned by her own life as if she was living somebody elses dream.

No doubt, she was a true ble humanitarian, compassionate, friendly, worldly - however, she had an earthy streak which valued privacy & modesty rather than glitzy glamor. Those two distinct parts were always at war - The world vs family - although she was elegant & physically beautiful- she never saw herself as such. her self esteem suffered greatly, being a sensitive soul. her husband's family constantly criticized her. of course this was BEHIND the scenes.

She was & still is - The People's Princess!!

Never underestimate the power of WATER, many astrologers agree - WATER is the TOUGHEST element - simply b/c it takes on the shape of any container you pour it into - its flexible, malleable, but permeable? Can you see more than a few inches ahead of you underwater? Not without goggles!! Watery-types need those rose colored glasses for survival, theres no other way to see whats ahead...and with all the sharks & Whales lurking, we MUST have the foresight to see far into the FUTURE.

S>P (Aries sun/mars/ceres) has venus in Aquarius square his scorpio moon - his father & brother didn't talk to him for years because of his ex girlfriend (aquarius sun, scorpio moon). They didn't approve of her, she was not good enough for his Princeton bred, wallstreet, tennis star _did I mention she's a surgeon who survived oppression in Communist Russia). Wow, if she's not good enough, who is?
He dated her for 10 years before proposing. Ultimately she rejected him for waiting too long. Ultimately leading to permanent dissolve of their Decade-long bond.

MOON relationships are *karmic*~ They are difficult if not impossible to BREAK-UP simply b/c the connection is elusive - there is no PHYSICAL cord to cut or separate: Its a divine connection of the SOUL- a soul cannot be cut in half - all souls can do is MERGE... There will be baggage. There will be confusion. There are definitely issues with SECURITY & SAFETY.

There's no doubt, these 2 souls were meant to meet!! Yea, Karma is a bitch.

NEXT UP, death, and the controlling mother - complex.